Over the last few weeks, I have been attempting to divide my time between helping the team at the busiest time of year and revising. FOMO (Fear of missing out) whilst I’m revising is very real at the moment, and I love any opportunity to get out in the field with the team and stretch my legs whilst trying to dodge farmer tan!
However, for everyone else the walking is nonstop. Since my last blog, the team have covered T1 timing and most of the barley is now approaching awns emerging, meaning final timing for Terpal. Everyone is now starting to walk for T2 applications which are likely going to have to be adjusted now due to all the rain . Most of the weed control has been done on the winter beans which are now starting to flower. It’s been lovely to see some of the good crops of OSR, with many clients getting excited now it’s worth its weight in gold.
Spring crops have really benefited from the recent rain and now need to be looked at for weed control. We are finally seeing sugar beet emerging although, the potatoes are probably not going to be up before I take my BASIS. Whilst everything being slightly late this year is making it difficult for me to see much of the spring crops before my exam, it will hopefully mean that there will be lots to see once it is over.
Currently I can’t think of life past BASIS… although I’m hopeful it will involve fewer cue cards and more queuing at events. Like all the pubs, currently my brain is full to the brim. The team have been helping by quizzing me and doing mock questions. Writing this is good procrastination from prepping for my official mock next week, which will hopefully show the quizzing and hours spent just me and my whiteboard have paid off… fingers crossed.
Hopefully by my next blog I will have recovered from the stress as quickly and impressively as the crops after this rain!
(I can’t believe I make weather related jokes now… surely that, alone, qualifies me to be an agronomist?)