01 Dec Talking BYDV – Charlotte Cook
Charlotte Cook discusses the potential risks of BYDV and the decision process before reaching for an insecticide spray. ...
11 Aug August Edition of Agronomist & Arable Farmer – Damian McAuley
Back in the day, and shortly after leaving university, I worked a short-term contract for the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). This hugely prestigious organisation traces its origins back to the second world war and to a strategic, military operation to provide an active presence on...
15 Jun Charlotte’s Blog 7. Just do your best!
If your family are anything like mine from a very young age you will have been told at times of stress just do your best. All you can do is do your best. Throughout school I probably would have met this with a not-so-subtle eye...
17 May Charlotte’s Blog 6. T-minus two weeks until BASIS
Over the last few weeks, I have been attempting to divide my time between helping the team at the busiest time of year and revising. FOMO (Fear of missing out) whilst I’m revising is very real at the moment, and I love any opportunity to...
14 Apr April Edition of Agronomist & Arable Farmer – Damian McAuley
You don’t have to be religious to have faith. In fact, the more modern and secular the world becomes, the deeper our faith needs to be. With increasing technological progress, we become ever more removed from the mechanics of these technologies. We no longer know how...
14 Apr Charlotte’s Blog 5. Bring on busy busy!
The weather the last couple of weeks has been about as manic as I’ve felt, trying to make it through the week without losing track of where I’m meant to be. Getting busy has meant that caffeine has become my new best friend and a...
18 Mar Charlotte’s Blog 4. Hello Spring season.
Spring season is underway, with the weather being typically unpredictable the last few weeks. The crops are slowly starting to move and there is already so much for agronomists to think about and for me to learn. I have spent the last couple of weeks...
15 Mar March Edition of Agronomist & Arable Farmer – Damian McAuley
I’ve always been someone who speaks his mind – mainly because I’m not very diplomatic. I am also your classic hypocrite and hands-in-the-air guilty of the “he can give it, but he can’t take it” critique. I don’t choose to be that way, it’s just...
08 Mar Journey to Regenerative Agriculture
Indigro client Jake Freestone presents his journey to Regenerative Agriculture. Presented to Indigro Clients in February 2021 ...
03 Mar Charlotte’s Blog 3. A lesson in confidence
Since my last post I have still been spending a large proportion of my time zooming, however this week I was on the presenting rather than the receiving end of a few. I was asked by BASIS to take part in their sustainable webinar series,...
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